Here's an outline of our adoption timeline:
OCT. 09 Our son Dylan is born and placed with us!
SEPT. 09 Match with V., a wonderful expectant mom.
JULY 09 Out of the book again, this time because we are out of Letters, but don't want to reprint more w/o switching to the agency's new layout. It take WAY longer than it should.
JAN. 09 Out of "the book" for more than a month because our home must be re-inspected and our DBL reprinted.
DEC. 09 Buy our first house. Yahoo!
JULY 08 "In the book" - eligible to be matched, after many delays and much frustration to put get our
Dear Birthmother Letter approved.
MAY 08 Homestudy completed; it took us longer than anticipated.
MARCH 08 A nice Homestudy counselor visits our home, asks us personal questions, and says she thinks we'll be great parents.
JAN. 08 Attended the 2nd half of the "Weekend Intensive" and began our homestudy process
NOV. 07 Attended the 1st half of the agency's "Weekend Intensive" and signed a big check.
AUG. 07 Went to an orientation session with the IAC
MAY 07 Attended a RESOLVE seminar about adoption and learned about various options and agencies.