Sunday, April 18, 2010

Bloggers' Dilemma

Well, blogging isn't going exactly as I anticipated. Before I began this endeavor, I thought some about what being a "good" blogger would mean, and I based my judgements mostly on the blogs I enjoyed most. I remember telling M. how important it is to post frequently and regularly, and that I hoped to post about twice a week. Hah!

I know I am not the first writer to observe that there is - at least for me - an inverse relationship between how much there is to write about and the opportunity to do it. Life is busy these days! And I'd like to have time to pause and reflect a bit, let alone craving out a quiet space and actually articulating my thoughts and experiences so that they are publicly digestible.

This weekend I announced to my sweetie that a high priority among all the things to accomplish is posting something pronto. It's been way too long. So he's at home now with our (hopefully) napping boy while I'm catching a few minutes at the local coffee shop, struggling to spew it all out, lickity-split.

In addition to finding time and mental energy, part of my challenging with blogging is that I sense this one is veering toward becoming "just another mommy blog." Not that there's anything wrong with that. (There are a number of mommy blogs I love!) In fact, I think family like the pictures and the developmental notes all about Dylan most. But that's not what I intended. I wanted this to be a place where, in addition to providing updates to loved ones, I could focus on adoption - open adoption in particular. I also hoped it might serve as a catharsis, a place where I could journal about deeper things I don't often get to discuss in my "real" life.

I'll list the topics rattling around in my noggin to both catalog them for future reference and see if there are any reader preferences for where I might start. (Readers?? Are there still any out there??) Some of the things I hope to be able to blog about in the not-too-distant future are:

- Dylan's six month check-up and "monthly" update
- Our lil' traveler: D's first flight and meeting his cousins
- The Russian adoption scandal
- Our steady march toward finalization
- My own take on the work/parenting (im)balance
- Hearing from V. - Yippy!
- On to solid foods: vegetarian parenting in action
- Open Adoption Roundtable

See?! The topics are all over the place. Building a big audience isn't my goal. Never-the-less, a "good" blogger would be much more focused.

Anyway, I've got a post forming in my head now that's pushing to get out first. So I'll go attend to that and stop whining about why I don't post more, and all I could but haven't yet written about. I'll just do it.


Anonymous said...

I'm here and reading. I was pleased to see you pop up on my reader.

I hear you about the lack of time and the need for focus. One of the things I notice is that people often seem to have a regular easy post. They do a Wordless Wednesday or a Friday {this moment}. It is a great opportunity to post an image of that sweet child of yours and not have to say one word. How easy is that?

As for what I'd like to hear about...
of course, Dylan
Hearing from V
Open Adoption Roundtable
Work Parent balance.

Anonymous said...

I'm here and reading. I was pleased to see you pop up on my reader.

I hear you about the lack of time and the need for focus. One of the things I notice is that people often seem to have a regular easy post. They do a Wordless Wednesday or a Friday {this moment}. It is a great opportunity to post an image of that sweet child of yours and not have to say one word. How easy is that?

As for what I'd like to hear about...
of course, Dylan
Hearing from V
Open Adoption Roundtable
Work Parent balance.

Susie said...

I want to hear your thoughts on the Russian adoption scandal, if only because I don't know all the details. :)

Also hearing from V, and how that is going.

As someone who wants a child so very badly and might want to adopt if the baby-making doesn't work, I'm really curious about those things. Personally, I hate the idea of sharing a child with someone else and just want my own, so I wouldn't be too keen on open adoption. So I like hearing your thoughts on it.